Teaching Informed by Scholarship, Scholarship Informed by Teaching
Friday, October 14, 2022
9 AM-Noon EST
“A scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) conference…offers intriguing opportunities not only to disseminate scholarship and scholarly culture but also to reflect further on the practices of teaching, learning, and the field itself. (Robinson, 2019, p. 146)
The CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy hosted a CUNY-wide conference focused on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). We welcomed faculty, staff and students across all disciplines to submit proposals and to participate in cross-campus collaborations to strengthen SoTL within CUNY. We highlighted and shared projects from the Summer 2022 CUNY Innovative Teaching Academy SoTL Fellows and launched the SoTL @ CUNY new web home (this website)
See the conference schedule and see conference presentations below.
For any questions, please email Laura Baecher, [email protected].